Capital Area Minor Football

Annual General Meeting
Wednesday January 27, 2010
Willie O'Ree Place Community Room #3
7:30 P.M.

1.    Meeting called to order -by Andrew Allaby at 7:37.

2.    Welcome by the President – Andrew Allaby

3.    Introductions and Voter Certification – Andrew Allaby

4.    Additions to Agenda  - none

5.    Motion to Adopt Agenda  

The motion to adopt the agenda was made by Norm Seguin; seconded by Marion McIntyre.  Motion was passed.  

6.    Amendments to Constitution  

Proposed amendment to Section 4 of the CAMFA Constitution: 
It is proposed that the number of Vice Presidents from each region be increased from TWO to THREE.  

Terry McIntyre made a motion to increase the number of Vice Presidents from two to three.  The motion was seconded by Steve Drisdelle. Motion was passed.  

7.    Minutes from 2009 AGM  

The motion to accept the Minutes from the 2009 AGM was made by Steve Drisdelle and seconded by Lisa Fagan. Motion was passed

8.    President’s Report – presented by Andrew Allaby

CAMFA is only as strong as the volunteer base whether as a coach, manager, helper, coordinator or as a member of the Executive. It is also important that if you volunteer for a position, you fulfill all the duties asked of you so that the work of running CAMFA does not fall of the shoulders of a few. “Many hands make light work”.

Thank you to all the volunteers from the 2009 season, without any of it would have been possible.

Congratulations are extended to all teams with successful seasons last year but especially to the Bliss Carmen Eagles winning their first Provincial Championship in Pee Wee football and to the Fredericton Junior Black Kats for winning their second Maritime Championship.  

Registration numbers were at 871 players, which was a drop from 908 in 2008.  This was a 4% drop in registration.  The biggest drop was at the Bantam level.

CAMFA hosted a “Day of Champions” in the fall for all teams playing in their respective league championship games (from Squirt to Bantam).  It was a great success and we look forward to doing it again this coming fall.

CAMFA will be hosting coaching courses this year in Community Coaching and an Intro to Competition.

A winter JDP will be conducted at Harold Peterson Middle School on Tuesdays and Thursdays from February 16 until April 22.  The cost is $30 and gear will be provided.  It is open to boys and girls.

Check the website for information on the March Break Quarterback/Receiver camp.

Spring football will be the same as last year, with the hope of sending a provincial team to Montreal during the Wilson Cup.

The Future Stars Football Camp is scheduled tentatively for Aug 9-11 for ages10-17.  Costs have yet been determined.

And finally, CAMFA was made a full partner in the Fredericton Sports Investment Dinner and Auction on December 5.  CAMFA teamed up with the UNB Red Bombers, the Varsity Black Kats and the Varsity Lions and as a group, they raised $9451.  CAMFA’s share was $2952 after expenses.  I would like to thank Jodi Steeves and Donna Cormier for all their organizing efforts. We hope to build on the success for this coming year.  If you know of any major contacts for large items, please contact either Fundraising Coordinator Jodi Steeves or Andrew Allaby.

9.    2009 Financial Report presented by Terry McIntyre.  

Revenue for 2009 was $165,966; registrations were $115,580 and over $50,000 was raised through fundraising; expenses were $154,643. Excess revenue was $11,323 for 2009.  

The registration cost was only 70% of the total cost of the program, which highlights the benefits of fundraising.  Equipment, awards, officials and insurance were again major expenses.  Field and facilities user fees have increased significantly with the availability of the artificial turf at UNB.  

As a result of the excess revenue, the bank balance was $15,193 at the end of the year, up from $3,870 at the beginning of the season.

A motion to accept the Financial Report was made by Shawn Kitchen and, seconded by Shawn Fagan.  The motion was passed.

10.  2009 Registration Report presented by Terry McIntyre  

There were 871 registrants this year, down from 908 in 2008.   This was the first time there was a decrease since the late 1990’s.  Other sports programs have also experienced a downturn and it may have been an effect of the economy. Bantam numbers are down but they are the age group that historically has the most variation.  Another impact on registration numbers was that the Woodstock team did not return.  

Saturation may have been met on the tackle program. In order to increase numbers, growth may be sought in expanding the flag football program to more age groups.  Flag football leagues are less expensive to initiate because the equipment requirements are minimal.  

A motion to accept Registration Report was made by Norm Seguin and seconded by Steve Drisdelle. The motion was passed.  

11.  Special insert to the Agenda  

The presentation of an award to Terry McIntyre was made for his contribution to the development of CAMFA since 1996.  This was made on the eve of his “stepping back” from his duties on the Executive.  The plaque was presented by Tanya Kitchen.  

12.  Election of Executive

§  President: Andrew Allaby

§  Vice Presidents South: Kristen Warner, David Davies, John Jurcina

§  Vice Presidents North: Justin DeMerchant, Steve Drisdelle, Ryan Ward

§  Vice Presidents Oromocto: Lisa Fagan, Steve Spear, Barry Hatt

§  Secretary: Michele Coleman

§  Equipment Managers:

§  Fredericton : Shawn Kitchen

§  Oromocto: Curtis Hiscock

§  Registrar: Tanya Kitchen

§  Treasurer: temporarily left vacant

§  Fundraising Coordinator: Jodi Steeves

§  Coaches Coordinator: Vince Sturgeon

§  Officials Coordinator: Norm Seguin  

13.  2010 Budget – presented by Terry McIntyre  

The budget was based on an estimated number of registrants set at 850 in 2010, which is a conservative decrease from 2009.  This estimate results in a projection of $113,205 budgeted from registrations. The projected revenue from fundraising is $31,000.  

Expenditures are estimated at $153,850. The equipment budget was targeted at $30,000. The excess (deficit) is projected to be ($9,145).  Bank balance at the end of year was projected to be $6,048.  

The item to note is that there was no increase in the cost of registrations.  There was an increase in the projected field user fees based on the potential availability of the artificial and lighted turf being available at both Fredericton and Oromocto for play in the fall.  

Motion to accept the budget was made by Tanya Kitchen and was seconded by Lisa Fagan.  Motion passed.  

13. Appointment of Coordinators

These are not Executive positions but they are critical to making the season run smoothly.  A list of these tasks includes:


Officials for mosquito, squirt and mite for Fredericton ,  

Officials for mosquito, squirt and mite for Oromocto – Lisa Fagan

Photography – Lisa Fagan


Public relations

Bursary, special events

Coordinators for Squirt, Mosquito, Pee Wee, Bantam, Girls and Mites  

Job descriptions/ assignments will be handed out to Vice Presidents during the first regularly scheduled Executive meeting in February.  

14. New Business

Norm Seguin added that there will be a new 10% assigning fee for games at the Middle School and Bantam levels to compensate for the time required for the assigning of officials to games. 

Assignment fees are part of the NBFOA and the fee will be instituted in the spring and fall leagues.  This increase is on top of the regular officiating fees.

15. Draw for Free 2010 Registration – winner was Norm Seguin.  Norm donated the registration back to CAMFA for use as a child’s registration.

16. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn was made at 8:37 by Shawn Fagan.