Capital Area Minor Football Association


August 8, 2007


Attendance: Jeff Murdock, Terry McIntyre, Gary VonRichter  David Blanchard,  Andrew Allaby,  Kent Murphy, Justin DeMerchant, Jay Madore, Steve Drisdelle  

Absent: Ray Muir/Gene Heather/Marion McIntyre, Joni Blanchard, Michelle Harrison,  

1. Presidents report  

 Jeff Murdock opened the meeting congratulating the Ladies Gladiators for winning the Maritime Championship for the second year running.  

2. Registrar’s report  

Terry indicated that 180 were pre-registered for the fall program. Teresa Patten had volunteered  to call all pre-registered for gear pick-up times.

VP and coaches to call players who have not turned in gear as of yet. Terry reviewed and updated the list with the coaches.  Terry indicated that several jerseys were missing and for last years coaches to have a look and call athletes that may have jerseys and gear.  

3. Fundraising report  

Kent indicated that the new promotions cards had arrived and each athlete will receive 5 with a value of $5.00 each.  This card will be included in the registration fee.  No raffle cards will be issued this fall.  A CAMFA bottle drive is scheduled for 22 Sept in the AM.  Sponsorship is still an issue: each level of play has a sponsor except the Bantam program.  He is actively sourcing a sponsor. Lastly, Kent has been in contact with the Jump Start  and Kids Sports programs to confirm the level of funding for football this year.  Terry had indicated that the St Mary’s Reserve will also pay for native children enrolling. 

4. Equipment Managers report   Jay indicated that the equipment room is in  near ready state.  $20000 worth of equipment had been purchased including ; helmets, shoulder pads, and pants.  All the jerseys had been inventoried and missing jerseys will need to be replaced. There are a large number of missing jerseys.  Jeff indicated that coaches and manager must take responsibility to ensure the jerseys are controlled, and that each team will be required to submit a complete roster. Lastly, Jay asked that the Executive stay for 30 minutes after the meeting to assist with the team bags and arrange them.  Gear fitting will be next week Tues/ Wed/ Thursday and coaches are needed to attend.  

5. Coaching  Coordinator’s report:  

Fall program: 

Coaches had been confirmed for Bantam, Peewee and most Mosquito teams.   Leo Hayes still has some short falls as coaches are difficult to obtain. Dave had not contacted any Squirt coaches as of yet.  Terry and VPs will assist in identifying coaches through the registration process and returning coaches.  

6. Official report:  Ray absent.     

VPs to call to confirm officials for mosquito and squirt programs, It is recommended that a level one officials course be conduct at UNB in the early fall, date TBC.  

7. Treasurer report:  

Report submitted  CAMFA has spent $20000 on new equipment. Budget is currently in line as forecasted.  

Old Business:      

Kent indicated that George St and Albert St would be at the UNB field for the Flag game next week.  

Closing remarks:  The executive’s next meeting will be on Sunday, Sept 16/07 @ 7pm at the Hazen Centre.    The meeting was adjourned at 2030 hours.