Capital Area Minor Football



Date Aug 5, 2009

Location Hazen Center , Oromocto


Attendance: Andrew Allaby,  Terry McIntyre, Justin DeMerchant,  Jodi Steeves, Tanya Kitchen, Donna Cormier,  Marion McIntyre, Lisa Fagan, Marvin  


Norm Sequin, Joey Smith, Steve Drisdelle (came when it was over), David Blanchard (came when it was over), Shawn Kitchen,  Michele Coleman  

Meeting called to order 7pm  

1. Presidents report

Nothing to report  

2. Registrar’s report

There is lots of mail coming in for registrations; all will be opened by this Sunday.  There are 83 for the camp, it’s now full. 

3. Fundraising report

Tanya reported the Riddell offers a free website for teams to sell 10 items.  These would be Riddell items with our logo on them.  There have been 10 items selected to appear on the web site.  This site will be ready for next season.  Riddell will handle all money and invoices etc.  More details to come.  

There was talk of changing the CAMFA logo, Tanya has some ideas.   

The 649 sheets are starting to come in.   

Justin would like a standard letter from us for him to take to the proper person for the UNB charity auction  

Rob Touchie from the Gleaner is interesting in helping us; Jodie is going to contact him.  

 4. Equipment Managers report

There are 2 sets of gear still outstanding.   There are approx 8 sets of men’s gear left outstanding.   More belts are needed; Terry is going to order some.  Squirt bags were inventoried and all were completed. 

5. Coaching Coordinator’s report:

No coaches’ report  

6. Official report:

No report from Norm.   Lisa is going to do the assigning for Flag and Mosquito in Oromocto for the fall season and Abs will do the ones in Fredericton.  

7. Treasurer report:

Terry reported that we have $6000-$7000 in the bank.  Statement not available.  

Other Business:

We need a shade maker, screen tent, or army tent for in front of the Fredericton equipment room so people can sit in there and fill in their forms, will leave more room inside for players to be fitted.   Marvin can get a screen tent, Jodie to contact Dave to see if we can get an army tent.  

Lisa will be calling all the Oromocto kids and Donna will be calling the Fredericton kids once the list is sent out from Terry.  They will be setting up appointments for fittings.  

Fittings for the camp will be Monday Aug 10 in Oromocto and Tuesday Aug 11 in Fredericton.  Helping in Oromocto will be Marvin, Terry, Abs, Marrion, Tanya and Shawn.   Helping in Fredericton will be Justin, Donna, Marvin, Jodi, Tanya and Shawn.  

Fittings for early registrations will be Aug 17 in Oromocto and Aug 18, 19 and 20.  Helping in Oromocto will be Lisa, Terry, Marvin, Justin, Joey, Jory, Tanya and Shawn.  Helping in Fredericton will be on the 18th – Justin, Tanya, Shawn, Jodie, Terry, Donna and Marvin, 19th and 20th - Justin, Tanya, Shawn, Jodie, Terry, Donna.  

Fittings for everyone else Aug 23 6 to 9 in both Oromocto and Fredericton.  Oromocto will be Lisa (depending on schedule), Joey, Matt, Jory, Dave and some coaches.  Fredericton will be Tanya, Shawn, Justin, Donna, Terry.  Marvin and Abbs will go to which ever one is in need as we get closer to the date.  

Next meeting will be

It was not decided.  

Location (usually Hazen Centre but could change)

Meeting adjourned 8 pm