Capital Area Minor Football
Annual General Meeting
January 19, 2009
Willie O'Ree Place Community Room #1 (Upstairs)
7 P.M.

1. Meeting called to order by Jeff Murdock at 7:10 .

2. Welcome by the President – Jeff Murdock

3. Introductions and Voter Certification – Jeff Murdock

4. Amendments to Constitution - none

5. Additions to Agenda - none

6. Motion to Adopt Agenda

Motion to adopt agenda made by Steve Drisdelle.  Seconded by Kent Murphy

7. Minutes from last AGM- no comments

8. President’s Report – CAMFA is only as successful as the volunteers.  There are a lot of new faces at this AGM so it is very encouraging.  Registration in 2008 was up to 908 up from 845 last year; big jump was in spring registration.  CAMFA sponsored provincial championship for Bantam and Pee Wee football was a huge success.  By September 2009, Football NB will require Head Coaches in Bantam to be Level 2 certified, Pee Wee Head Coaches and Mosquito Head Coaches will have to be Level 1 certified.  CAMFA will sponsor the training so there will be no additional costs for the training.

Fredericton Sports Investment allowed us to enter their major fundraiser/auction as a guest this year and it was a great fundraiser.  Over $1800 was raised, plus CAMFA received a $1000 operational grant.

9. 2008 Financial Report – presented by Terry McIntrye.

Revenue for 2008 was $116,275 in registrations, $145,111 includes fundraising; expenses were $142,479 for an excess of $2632 for 2008. Bank balance was $3868 at the end of the year, up from $1236 at the beginning of the season.

Motion to accept Financial report Michelle Harrison, seconded by Marion McIntyre.

10. 2008 Registration Report – presented by Terry McIntyre

There were 908 registrants this year.  The new program was the high school girls program.  The Spring League was very successful.

Motion to accept Registration Report was made by Steve Drisdelle.  Seconded by Leonard Gervais.

11. Election of Executive

·        President: Andrew Allaby

·        Vice Presidents South: Rick Forrest; Marvin Nash

·        Vice Presidents North: Justin DeMerchant, Steve Drisdelle

·        Vice Presidents Oromocto: Joey Smith, Lisa Fagan

·        Secretary: Michele Coleman

·        Equipment Managers:

o       Oromocto: Shawn Fagan (?)

o       Fredericton : Shawn Kitchen

·        Registrar: Terry McIntyre

·        Treasurer: Marion McIntyre

·        Fundraising Coordinator: Jodi Steeves

·        Coaches Coordinator: Dave Blanchard

·        Officials Coordinator: no representative available

12. 2009 Budget – Terry McIntyre

Increase in tackle registration in 2009 will be up from $175 to $180 to and the cost will go up from $125 up to $130 for Squirts.  Early registration discount is $25.  Budget is designed to break even with expenses.   A large expense is field rental and equipment.

Motion to accept the Budget was made by Andrew Allaby. Seconded by Shawn Kitchen

13. Appointment of Coordinators -none

14. New Business

Football NB may be changing the ages for the  for the 2009 fall season.

·        Bantam (ages 13-14),

·        Pee Wee (11-12) 

·        Mosquitos (9-10),

·        Squirt (6, 7, 8). 

·        The age group impacted will be the 15 year olds.  Their option will be to play in an 8-man team that could play American rules with Maine team or possible more local competition, depending on the numbers.  The situation will be discussed at the next Executive.

15. Draw for Free 2009 Registration – winner was Dre Atwin

16. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn was made at 8:25 by Leonard Gervais and seconded by Kent Murphy.