Area Minor Football Association
Minutes Date July
18, 2010 Attendance:
Allaby, Michele Coleman, Tanya Kitchen, Steve Spear, Jodi Steeves, Ryan
Ward, Barry Hatt, Shawn Kitchen, Justin DeMerchant, John Jurcina, Vince
Sturgeon, Terry McIntyre (late arrival) Absent:,
Norm Sequin, Steve Drisdelle, Lisa Fagan, Kristen Warner, David Davis,
Curtis Hiscock, Meeting called to order
1:54. President Items
noted in other business. Equipment
Manager Report by Shawn Kitchen. Ready to make an order
in the near future for new gear. A
pant with more stretch (manufacturer - T Litzen) will hopefully reduce the
crotch tear outs. Female
shoulder pads – hope to order more as he has to order fewer helmets this
fall. Fundraising Report by Jodi Steeves. Reported that the Raffle
raised $1435. There are 4 tickets for
any Bills Games still available. Initial
discussion was to put them on Stub Hub for $1000. Terry suggested
contacting Bob Hathaway and pursue a contribution whereas he fund mouth
guards for CAMFA. Advertisement of the sponsorship would be on CAMFA
website. Ryan Ward will contact Dr.Hathaway to work out a deal. Registrar Report by Tanya Kitchen. Flag football 18 players for 15U 26 players for 13U 2 players made the
provincial team The players are enjoying
it although numbers are down this past week possible due to heat and
family vacations. Kids had fun
playing the women’s and men’s teams Future Stars Camp August
9-11 camp registration numbers are low so it must be determined whether to
cancel or run it at a loss. Goal was to get 100 registrants, 75 are
required to break even. 45 have registered to date. Fittings set for
August 4 for Motion:
TK made a motion to take up to a $1500 loss on the camp if the
registration numbers are low. Motion
was seconded by JD. Motion
passed. Aug 16-19 fittings for
Fall Football, Aug 22 all age groups.
Information about fittings will be put on website. Treasurer Report by Terry
McIntyre. There is money in bank.
Discussion on whether all the accounts have been settled for
outstanding registrations. Coaching
Coordinator Report by Vince
Sturgeon. Dave Blanchard wants to
set up the Community Sport seminar before the Football Camp. Training Camps- Tanya
had names for Vince. Head coaches have been
identified for bantam, middle school, and Vince is working on mosquito and
squirt. Other
Items Coordinators Would like to have
coordinator positions filled by VP’s. Dave Davies identified
for Mosquito. Middle School – Barry
Hatt Bantam – Justin
DeMerchant Squirt- unfilled at this
time 11 duties – including
identifying team manager, and ensure that they are aware of
responsibilities, contact for coaches and parents, up to date rosters,
report on area of responsibility at AGM, etc. Public
Relations and Trophies John Jurcina Special
Events A Allaby Officials
Coordinators Squirt and Mosquito –
ref coordinator M Coleman Oromocto Refs – Lisa
Fagan Pictures Lisa
Fagan Website
Terry McIntyre Other Terry has been
approached by a sports betting website.
Discussed and decided that it would not be pursued. Terry had discussions
with the CFL about T Shirts for the squirt teams. He recommended that the
shirts contain the CAMFA Squirt Flag football name and logo and sponsor
name only. Costs will be
reduced by not having numbers on the shirts. Meeting adjourned at
2:51. Next
Meeting Sunday, August 8, 2010 7pm
Hazen Center