Capital Area Minor Football Association


November 20/07

Attendance: Jeff Murdock, Terry McIntyre, Joni Blanchard,  Andrew Allaby, Michelle Harrison,  Kent Murphy , Justin DeMerchant, Shawn Kitchen  

Absent: Ray Muir, Gary VonRichter, Jay Madore, Kelly Murdock, Marion McIntyre, David Blanchard, Steve Drisdelle

1. Presidents report  

Meeting opened with the minutes from the last meeting being reviewed and   Kent motioning they be accepted.  Justin 2nd.  Minutes accepted.  

- year over, now real work begins.  Jeff looking for commitment for January 2008 to get the equipment rooms organized.

- Jeff looking for $449.00 to purchase a Laptop for CAMFA. Terry motioned/all in favor/motion passed

-cheque received from Jumpstart for $350.00

-working with OHS to put a building on Mackenzie field

2. Registrar’s report  

- still waiting for a cheque from Jumpstart for approximately $1000.00

- 521 actual registered, this number shows a 10% growth in both programs

- Gary VonRichter still working on getting a sponsor for the Men’s program

- Kent will talk with David Kelly to see if we can get “in” with the right people

 3. Fundraising report  

-Wheels and Deals in process of building a new garage that we can hopefully use for the bottle drive

-use the “spring” as a pilot for the fall program

-work the schedule of games around time for collecting

-new sponsor for the bantam program – “Subway” (John Wait)  

4. Equipment Managers report  

Jay absent, Shawn Kitchen has agreed to assist with the Northside equipment room organization

-Hazen park to have an “Oromocto” section and a “ Fredericton ” section

-Jeff will speak to jay to see if he is staying on for next year  

5. Coaching Coordinator’s report:  

David absent but sent report:

-current status has 28 coaches that were coaching without any certification

-three dates in the new year for Level 1 and 2.  David to email coaches with the dates

-need to directly contact those who still need certifications

6. Officials report:  

-little change from last year with 200 games assigned

-level of officiating has improved, however, the young referees are not respected.  Suggestion made that each team provide a parent to be referee on field to assist at the Squirt/Mosquito level.  Ray would get together with these parents to give a clinic.

7. Treasurer report:  

- see attachment

- should have about $1000.00 left once all bills paid

8. Other Business:  

-AGM date set for Wednesday January 23rd/08.  We need this meeting to be well attended by coaches and parents.  Send out mass e-mail with details.

- we will schedule a clean up/organization in January. Suggested dates are Tues Jan 8th and Thurs the 10th or Tues the 15th and Thurs the 17th

-outstanding gear, coaches to gather.  Make on phone call, if not promptly returned, then cash the deposit cheque

-inventory done on the Spring gear shows three jerseys are still missing  

Next meeting will be Wednesday January 16th, 7pm.  Location to be announced.