Capital Area Minor Football Association


September 23, 2007  

Attendance: Jeff Murdock, Kelly Murdock, Terry McIntyre, Marion McIntyre,  David Blanchard, Joni Blanchard,  Andrew Allaby, Michelle Harrison,  Kent Murphy , Justin DeMerchant, Ray Muir, Steve Drisdelle  

Absent:  Jay Madore, Gary VonRichter  

1. Presidents report  

Meeting opened with the minutes from the last meeting being accepted. 

Pass/Punt/kick competition, Kent is organizing, will let us know if he needs some assistance.  Terry needs the name of the players participating.  Coaches are responsible to provide player information.  Suggestion was made to look at getting sponsors for better prizes as the older players (Bantam/Midget) aren’t participating as much. 

Fastest Player set for Oct 6 at OHS, Justin DeMerchant will handle/get volunteers.

Will find out shortly is Calais is in or out.  

2. Registrar’s report  

Registration is closed.  530 registered, Terry is chasing a few (3) bad cheques.  It is now too late for refunds, cheques in the mail for those who quit prior to Sept 15th.  We sent in 7 applications to Jumpstart/Kid Sport and have rec’d funds for 6 of them.   

10 Man team – next two Thursday games cancelled.  No playoffs.  Program has been well rec’d by both players and parents.  Terry has not rec’d 1 phone call to date from parents complaining of playing time for their child.  The 10 man team is good for new players for development. 

Coaches are needed in order to handle an “A” and “B” teams as our numbers are increasing.  

3. Fundraising report  

Kent advises we have rec’d positive feedback on the Value card program, but, we have paid 5000- for the cards.  Is this worth the revenue we have rec’d?  Should we scrap this and put registration at $175-, we could have given the $5000- we spent on the program to UNB.  

Bottle drive – Organized Chaos, but fantastic turnout. It would appear we have outgrown the redemption centre as several bags of bottles are still in people’s yards.  Therefore, no tally as of yet.  There is another redemption centre in the Fredericton Industrial park , Kent will contact to see if they are interested in our program.  

4. Equipment Managers report  

Jay Madore not in attendance.  Things are looking good at the Hazen centre.  It was recommended we do an inventory now.   

Post pads need to go to teams in Oromocto.  Coaches are to be reminded it is their responsibility to bring the pads to the field.  No pads…no game.  

5. Coaching Coordinator’s report:  

Novice 25 coaching books purchased for $310-

Level 1 coaches have rec’d their NCCP #’s

Grant submissions to run Level 1/2/3 coaching clinics  

6. Official report:  

It is still a struggle to find “4” qualified referees for each game.  Ray expressed his concerns regarding the younger referees.  Reminder that incident reports should be filed if any conflicts arise with either coaches and or parents.  Safety issues  in regards to the competitiveness at the Peewee/Bantam levels.  Teams are not balanced in regards to talent.   We may need to look at modifying the “mercy rule”.  Also, coaches of the stronger teams should be advised to play their rosters from the bottom up.   Could Bantam coaches to do “guest coaching” on the weaker Mosquito teams?   

7. Treasurer report:  

  Marion reports we do have money in the bank however, there are bills to pay.  

Old Business:     

UNB update: they want us on their field!  Lights are still up in the air.  Gooseneck uprights have been purchased.  Permanent lines are in place.  Looking good for “Friday Night Football”  

Meeting adjourned at 9:15pm.  Next meeting will be on Sunday, Oct 21/07 7pm at the Hazen Centre.