Capital Area Minor Football Association

Executive Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2008

Hazen Community Center , Oromocto , NB  


Jeff Murdock, Terry McIntyre, Andrew Allaby, Marion McIntyre, David Blanchard, Michele Coleman, Shawn Kitching, Justin DeMerchant, Kent Murphy, Kelly Murdock  


 Ray Muir, Michelle Harrison, Lisa Fagan, Shawn Fagan, Steve Drisdelle  

  1. Meeting called to order 7:00 pm by Jeff Murdock.
  1. Minutes- no minutes reviewed
  1. President’s Report – Jeff
    1. On the Spot Photos presentation by J. Williams and P. Jordan

                                                               i.            On site photography with prints available immediately after the game

                                                             ii.            No fee for service

    1. Chapman Field –

                                                               i.            CAMFA committed to $2500 over 8 years for the timing clock

                                                             ii.            L&A Metalworks retrofitted goal posts with soccer nets.  

  1. Registrar’s Report – Terry
    1. Five bursary applications reviewed, 2 not eligible as not having spent 3 years with CAMFA.
    2. D. Blanchard made motion that each of the 3 successful candidates receive $350 for a total of $1050. Seconded by K. Murphy.  Objection by T. McIntyre.
  1. Fundraising Report – Kent
    1. Bottle drive Sept 27; 3 sites, 3 captains
    2. Kinsman food trailer for Championship Sunday, RVWorld trailer for officials
    3. Provincial request for assistance with organizing Championship Sunday not forthcoming so amenities will be minimal
    4. NB Sport Investment Dinner/auction - contact person provided (Scott Walker or Richard Clark)
  1. Coaches Report-Dave
    1. Coaches meeting had 40 people
    2. Police check forms submitted to Registrar
    3. No correspondence from football NB on horse collar tackles.
  1. Treasurer’s Report-Terry
    1. Fourteen applications with Jumpstart or Kids Sport reported have not yet received funding as applications were incomplete.
  1. Equipment Manager’s Report –Shawn K.
    1. Inventory of big items was completed. 
    2. List available of sizes and equipment required for next season
    3. Recommendations for speeding up equipment sizing next year
    4. Requesting additional room for equipment storage
  1. Other Business
    1. Punt, Pass and Kick Sept 20 1o’clock Morrell Park ; K. Murphy to organize with A. Allaby to assist.

Next meeting at Hazen Center on October 15 at 7:00pm .   

Meeting adjourned by Jeff.  

 Action items  

  1. J. Murdock to contact “On the Spot Photos” to negotiate cover for Championship Sunday souvenir brochures for use as a fundraiser.
  2. K. Murdock to complete inside of brouchure.
  3. J. DeMerchant to contact 7 Fredericton Jumpstart and Kids Sport applicants,
  4. K. Murdock to contact 7 Oromocto Jumpstart and Kids Sport applicants.
  5. K. Murphy to contact NB Sport Investment Dinner organizers
  6. M. McIntyre recommended that D. Blanchard send out email that coaches issues should be addressed through area VP’s and then through Dave and not through Terry and Jeff.
  7. K. Murphy/ A. Allaby to organize Pass, Punt and Kick