Capital Area Minor Football Association
 Program Coordinators- Squirt, Mosquito, Middle School, Bantam
Job Description

(1) Make sure that each team has a Manager and that they are aware of their responsibilities. 

(2) Train managers and coaches to properly administer their teams.

(3) Act as the main contact for your division. Field and address questions, suggestions, complaints, requests, etc. from
     parents, players, coaches etc. Your name and phone number will be on the schedule for your division.

(4) Settle any disputes within your division; either by yourself or using a Board of Appeal.

(5) Set up or arrange setup of game fields with game equipment. This will often be done by the officials.

(6) Chair "Rules Committee" for your age group. Each team has one vote on rule changes. Chairman votes to break ties.

(7) Enforce "Fair Play" rules in your age group.

(8) Chair "Awards Committee" for your age group.

(9)  Keep up to date rosters for each team in you age group. Submit to webmaster.

(10) Report on your area of responsibility at Annual General Meeting or at Executive Meetings as required.

(11) Find and train your replacement.