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The "Gladiators 14 and Under Elite Team and Spring Football Skills Camp" is new for 2002. Annually the best 13 and 14 year old players from the Capital Area middle schools will be invited to participate in this program. Players cannot turn 15 in the year of play. 

Each player gets 30 hours of instruction from some of the best Junior Varsity (Bantam) coaches in the Capital Area. This year's Head Coach is Football New Brunswick's 2001 Bantam Volunteer of the Year, Leonard Gervais. Every participant receives two T-shirts: an official "Gladiators" shirt and a "Football New Brunswick Elite" shirt. 

In 2002 the "Gladiators" are scheduled to play a two game series against Fundy (Saint John).  Two full  length games are scheduled for May 26 and June 2. 

2002 Staff

Head Coaches: Leonard Gervais-LHHS
Jeff Murdock-OHS
Offensive Coordinators: Jeff Taylor-LHHS
Dave Blanchard-OHS
Defensive Coordinators: Andrew Allaby-LHHS
Isaac Grobe-LHHS
Quarterbacks : Chris Lister-FHS
Receivers: Jeff Taylor-LHHS
Running Backs: Dave Blanchard-OHS
Offensive Line: Jeff Murdock-OHS
Leonard Gervais-LHHS
Defensive Line: Andrew Allaby-LHHS
Linebackers: Ian MacMillan-FHS  
Brent True-FHS
Defensive Backs: Isaac Grobe-LHHS
Chris Ballem-FHS
Greg Thomas-FHS
Managers: Sylvette Basque( 459-4918)
Marla Bruce (357-2670)

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Program Objectives
helbut.gif (1091 bytes) Developmental
balbut.gif (493 bytes) Practice
helbut.gif (1091 bytes) Game
balbut.gif (493 bytes) Game
helbut.gif (1091 bytes) 2002 Team
U14 Provincial All-Stars

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