Capital Area Minor Football Association
Fredericton "Devon Lumber" CFL Squirt Flag Football
 for Boys (Ages 8-9), Girls (Ages 8-10)


                           ABOUT THE PROGRAM

       Participants play a low contact form of football.  Each player wears a belt with a "flag" attached to each hip by Velcro.  Players are tackled by having a flag pulled off.  A maximum of 12 players are put on a team. 6 players and coaches are on the field at a time. See Rules section for more details. Every player receives and gets to keep a T-shirt football jersey with large numbers on the front and back. All players are given a football and a trophy. Each team has a season ending pizza party.  The association supplies all equipment except footwear. See our Registration page for more information. Check out our Female Football Page. 

Schedule and
Game Scores
Bobby McIntyre Trophy
Photo Gallery

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